
Showing posts from September, 2003

Shorting? how long can you wait

Message ID: 42907 Posted By: al_petrofsky Posted On: 2003-09-17 09:15:00 Subject: Re: Shorting? how long can you wait 2 co Recs: 4 > Generally speaking, as long as you like. No, it's as long as the margin clerk will let you. For example, I'm short 100 shares of SCOX in a small account with National Financial Services (NFS), whose house requirement is that I have collateral on deposit with them with a value of at least 180% of the current value of the SCOX. If space aliens cause an IBM executive to state they will be paying SCO $3 billion, the price could jump to $200, and I would receive a call demanding I deposit more collateral to get me to $36,000. If I can't come up with it, NFS will "buy in" (opposite of "sell out") my position at the top of the market, and I'll be screwed. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution...

Gem from the RedHat complaint

Message ID: 41386 Posted By: crunchie812 Posted On: 2003-09-13 09:28:00 Subject: Gem from the RedHat complaint Recs: 17 This is transcribed from a .pdf. The evidence cited is largely Darl& Gangs public announcements, so the answer to the complaint should be mildly fascinating. 59. SCO's illicit strategy is transparent - make loud public claims about alleged intellectual property rights, provide no detail(since it does not exist), and hope to use the time honored technique of creating fear, uncertainy, and doubt to slow the growth and use of LINUX, damage the business of LINUX providers such as Red Hat, coerce unwarranted fees from LINUX users by threats of litigation, and, upon information and belief, even create enough nuisance value to be aquired while running up the price of SCO's stock in the short term, thereby creating various financial opportunities to wrongfully enrich the originators of this scheme. -------------------------------------------...

Please maintain calm

Message ID: 39087 Posted By: b29651 Posted On: 2003-09-08 20:50:00 Subject: please maintain calm Recs: 1 darl is deliberately goading us we have the right reasons and let us remember what our goals are regards br3n ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "b29651" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------


Message ID: 37663 Posted By: boyle_m_owl Posted On: 2003-09-04 19:17:00 Subject: Wonders... Recs: 14 As a long time user of Linux (since 1998...earlier if you count my first dabble with it in 1995) I've been a fan of this OS. (Previous OS history on my home machine: Dos/Win 3.1, OS/2 2.1 and Warp, Slackware Linux, DesqView X, Win95, Linux (Caldera 1.2, SuSE, Mandrake (for about a day, ugh) Suse 7.2) I'm waiting, hoping, praying, and I will hop and laugh with glee *when* this stock tanks and Darl & Co are arrested and jailed for fraud. SCO's lawsuit against IBM is without merit, else they could have had a restraining order against IBM distributing AIX by now. Where is it? It's nowhere. Where are the extortion ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H invoice letters? Nowhere. Where is SCO's proof? Nowhere. SCO was supposed to offer code examples LAST JUNE. It's now SEPTEMBER. Yo! Darl! Where's the friggin' code?! At this point, the only value...

Promises, promises

Message ID: 37007 Posted By: b29651 Posted On: 2003-09-03 14:23:00 Subject: PROMISES PROMISES Recs: 0 so where are the invoices ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "b29651" under the following license: License:  CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------