Shorting? how long can you wait
Message ID: 42907 Posted By: al_petrofsky Posted On: 2003-09-17 09:15:00 Subject: Re: Shorting? how long can you wait 2 co Recs: 4 > Generally speaking, as long as you like. No, it's as long as the margin clerk will let you. For example, I'm short 100 shares of SCOX in a small account with National Financial Services (NFS), whose house requirement is that I have collateral on deposit with them with a value of at least 180% of the current value of the SCOX. If space aliens cause an IBM executive to state they will be paying SCO $3 billion, the price could jump to $200, and I would receive a call demanding I deposit more collateral to get me to $36,000. If I can't come up with it, NFS will "buy in" (opposite of "sell out") my position at the top of the market, and I'll be screwed. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution...