
Showing posts from May, 2004

Tomorrow: day before earnings (red)

Message ID: 138748 Posted By: rgriffith64 Posted On: 2004-05-31 13:25:00 Subject: Tomorrow: day before earnings (red) Recs: 4 SCO has a 2nd quarter earnings call scheduled for 11pm EST on Wednesday June 2. For information on how to get in or listen to a web cast. Essentially there is 1 trading day before the call. In light of this, what should we see tomorrow. Lately the volume has been extremely light and there has been no discernable "paining" action pumping the price to unheard of levels. The current value of SCO is bobbing about the cash-on-hand value of the company. Negative earnings and outlook could drop this value. I doubt SCO will say anything but good things about the lawsuits, if they say anything at all. I expect flaming red earnings report: 1) continued cash (or equivalent) payments to lawyers (why not on commission??) 2) dropping legacy revenues 3) very little SCO source revenues ...

Ledite - worthless piece of ?#%@

Message ID: 135964 Posted By: saltydogmn Posted On: 2004-05-20 16:09:00 Subject: Ledite - worthless piece of ?#%@ Recs: 2 I think I've had you plonked since the first day I logged in here, but for some un-Godly reason, I just tried to read one of your posts. Well, I can read just fine, but I'd need several hits of acid to come close to understanding your inane drivel. Wow, there's 60 seconds of my life I'll never get back. You are beyond help, you pathetic little clueless shill. You say the Linux / IBM / rule of law / honest posters are using spin and twist; what in God's green earth do you think Darl and company are doing? SCO has not provided one scintilla of evidence proving any of their hare-brained claims, nor will they be able to, ever! I know you're a troll, and I know I should just keep on ignoring you, but you're such a poor, idiotic, uninformed troll, that you really need to be, well, bitch-slapped is a good term for it. Consider ...

Leave Biff alone

Message ID: 134051 Posted By: Posted On: 2004-05-14 19:41:00 Subject: Leave Biff alone Recs: 26 Some members of this board have become preoccupied with the outing of backinfullforce, a.k.a. Biff. This preoccupation has gone beyond playfulness and smells of malice and vengefulness -- vices that are toxic, however much pleasure they may give in the indulgence. Much as I hate to side with Biff on anything, I urge that this quest to identify him be abandoned. I could argue that it is futile -- which it probably is, despite stats_for_all's prodigious skills at research. Even if Biff admitted to being (for example) Biff Traber, would you believe him? I could argue that it is pointless -- which it is. Will knowing who he is keep him from posting? Will it make his posts coherent? Will it protect newcomers from being misled by his rhetorical distortions? I don't think so either. Rather than use these arguments, however, I argue that outing ...