Re: Amazingly solid $5.00 Floor
Message ID: 152669 Posted By: hamjudo2000 Posted On: 2004-07-10 01:22:00 Subject: Re: Amazingly solid $5.00 Floor Recs: 3 > SCO's mangement is selling their options as stock, which they granted themselves, and at the same time buying that same stock with the stockholders money. > That's the only reason this pile of crap isn't below $5/share. SCO's management is pillaging the company. That's accurate, but incomplete. There are many actors in this play, only some of them are getting stock options. Darl is not cashing in stock options. However, he is getting a million a year to be the public face. If the stock price falls too far, too fast, it will be too hard to justify his salary. It's hazard pay, since he is most likely to go to jail if/when things fall apart. There are probably a few organizations that don't want to be in the public eye, but who do want to continue to get cash and/or FUD out of SCOX. How do they benefit by keep...