
Showing posts from April, 2005

Jensen Services

Message ID: 260191 Posted By: panglozz Posted On: 2005-04-28 15:08:00 Subject: Jensen Services Recs: 23 Jensen Services dba Jensen Group or Cardiff Investments has Travis T Jenson as a principal, his brother Duane S Jenson is CEO, and operates out of an office at 4685 S HIGHLAND DR, SUITE 202, SALT LAKE CITY, UT The mis-spelled name is unexplained. Kathleen L Morrison, director and Secretary of Source Energy is also a director and Secretary of Cardiff. Travis T Jensen is listed in SEC filing for the following companies. Most involve reverse mergers, leading to presumption Jensen is in the reverse merger biz. Jensen sometime spells his name Jenson. VSUS, for example, lists Jenson's: Travis T. Duane S., Harold T. and Jason V. in its filings. Kentex chips in with Victoria and Sarah, wives of Travis and Duane. Leonard Burningham, a corporation attorney in Salt Lake handles the Jenson filings and Source Energy matters. Jensen//Jenson companies Vsus techno...

Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project (Part 2)

Message ID: 252019 Posted By: spamsux99 Posted On: 2005-04-01 14:12:00 Subject: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project (Part 2) Recs: 0 ...continued Posters who have previously licensed their posts: aim_here2002, aka_whishing_well, alan_the_eagle, al_petrofsky, anadromous_cowherd, anakareena, annoyingcoward, anytwofiveelevenis, any_old_email, astolmit, as_you_w_i_s_h, atul666, autoplonk, barkinfullforce, be2weenthelines, biffs_english_teacher, BigBadLonewolf, big_moorlygho1, bike4freedom2, billsebok, bitwr4ngler, bobothewonderpenguin, bobsilveresq, boyle_m_owl, br3nsc, brents17, brit_tim, brockian_ultra_cricket, bruce_s01, bullwood42, buttahlips, calibre97, cambo67, cassini_watcher, cat_herder_5263, cbdudley7, centiskiba, chad_hangingus, chiefpad, choconutdancer, codemangler, codswallet, ColonelZen, coredump11, crawdog0, crunchie812, crunichy_loser, daavery54, darlmclied, dave_booth1963, deciskiba, deepdistrust, diogenese19348, div_2n, doubleaught7, doughnuts_hmm, dreadpeng...

Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project (Part 1)

Message ID: 252018 Posted By: spamsux99 Posted On: 2005-04-01 14:11:00 Subject: Yahoo SCOX/CKX C&B Project (Part 1) Recs: 0 Yahoo SCOX/CKX Crash And Burn Archive Project Currently archiving 112039 posts from 213 posters On January 14th, 2005 due to unknown reasons certain yahoo financial message boards started experiencing disappearing posts. On this date, cat_herder_5263 posted message id 223408 asking if anyone had archived the Yahoo SCOX message board. In SCOX message id 223465 I (spamsux99) replied that yes, in fact I do have an archive. I stated that anyone who would like archived copies needs to grant me permission to redistribute/republish their comments. Responses to this post have led me to start the Yahoo SCOX Crash and Burn Archive Project. As you may know, at any time SCOX may either run out of cash, or lose their desperate legal lottery attempts to extract licensing fees from linux users. Once SCOX finally does crash and burn, they will be deliste...