Merkey, Mooney and MOG
Message ID: 269923 Posted By: esker_melchior Posted On: 2005-05-31 19:50:00 Subject: Merkey, Mooney and MOG Recs: 0 So back in 2001, Merkey seemed to be under the impression that he and Mooney were on the same team, or more precisely, Mooney was working for him. And he also seemed to be in agreement with the Mooneys' reading of the law. This posting certainly can't help his pending PSJ motion in the case. Normally I wouldn't care one way or the other about this case, but it's always fun to watch bad things happen to people you don't like, and hopefully all this legal business will keep him from making trouble in the Linux world for a while. What would be really and truly fun is if MOG got dragged into the case as a witness, or possibly as one of the 20 John Does listed as defendants along with Merkey. That would be absolutely hee-larious. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post ...