
Showing posts from May, 2005

Merkey, Mooney and MOG

Message ID: 269923 Posted By: esker_melchior Posted On: 2005-05-31 19:50:00 Subject: Merkey, Mooney and MOG Recs: 0 So back in 2001, Merkey seemed to be under the impression that he and Mooney were on the same team, or more precisely, Mooney was working for him. And he also seemed to be in agreement with the Mooneys' reading of the law. This posting certainly can't help his pending PSJ motion in the case. Normally I wouldn't care one way or the other about this case, but it's always fun to watch bad things happen to people you don't like, and hopefully all this legal business will keep him from making trouble in the Linux world for a while. What would be really and truly fun is if MOG got dragged into the case as a witness, or possibly as one of the 20 John Does listed as defendants along with Merkey. That would be absolutely hee-larious. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post ...

Bankruptcy a hop, skip and a jump away

Message ID: 267187 Posted By: drichards1953 Posted On: 2005-05-20 11:56:00 Subject: Bankruptcy a hop, skip and a jump away Recs: 42 I am truly convinced that Yarro and McBride thought that IBM would roll over and buy SCO, no matter to cost. IBM called their bluff, and rightly so. As Director of Research in a law firm, I cannot even think of any of our attorneys filing a coyright case where there is not a clear indication of ownership of the copyright. This is to say nothing of a clear list of the offending violations. While SCO runs out of cash, you have Darl and the other senior management drawing very large salaries. Very large for a company the "real" size of SCO. The bankruptcy court will install a trustee of protect the interests of the creditors and see if there are any assets left. The first thing the trustee will do is determine if the company is viable and can pay the current on-going bills. If not, it is shut down, at once. The trustee ...

UNIX on the upswing ... right, Edsels next

Message ID: 265050 Posted By: drichards1953 Posted On: 2005-05-13 16:09:00 Subject: UNIX on the upswing..right, Edsels next Recs: 1 There is nothing in the professional IT world to lead anyone to believe that UNIX will expand, especially the SCO flavor. Note to Darl: When you file suits against customers, your chances of new customers are not good. As to next evidence that will hurt IBM, I am waiting. SCO still has yet to prove several things including they own VALID copyrights to anything related to Unix. SCO has failed to perform their duty in discovery, so two years out they have what they had in April, 2003, NOTHING, except a huge legal bill. Also note the Q1 results to not have the factor of the bank in China ending their use of SCO software. So much for future sales. My real long-term sentiment is not on the list, the Titanic is sinking and Celine is singing the song. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this ...