The truth is out there

Message ID: 14745
Posted By: korbomite
Posted On: 2003-06-16 19:17:00
Subject: The TRUTH is out there...
Recs: 1

...and will hit you in the head!

We won't mention the European, Asian, South American and Canadian (and US!*GASP!*) governments, municipalities and corporations favoring, opening up to and even outright MANDATING Linux and Open Source Software, or the recent articles in Fortune, Forbes, Computerworld...and on and on and on...all this SINCE the SCOX suit.

No, we won't mention ANY of that...we'll just look at the important record of the day:

SCOX close: $10.93 DOWN 2.52%
IBM close: $84.50 UP 2.11%

More interesting was that SCOX estimates next quarter's EPS to be -$0.41, with analysts pretty much unanimous that they'll be lucky to hit that. Conversely, even at IBM's current high price (for this market), they project an EPS of $3.13, with the analysts averaging out to be $4.32. Also, by the 10K's and 10Q's, SCOX is concentrated in the hands of a VERY few, while IBM is MUCH more widely held.

SCOX is going to have to post a bond at some time in order to enforce any injunction they might file and try to get the court to enforce...where is THAT money gonna come from?

Hey, Darl, and all you pump-n-dumps: hear the hoofbeats? They're the sounds of the Demon Riders: the army of analysts, expert witnesses and attornies from IBM...followed closely by the SEC cops and the various state Attornies-General and the Ministers of Justice from India, Germany, France....heh, heh, heh...

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