Forget the Lawsuits -- SCO Can't Win
Message ID: 23375
Posted By: manyhats23
Posted On: 2003-08-04 21:08:00
Subject: Forget the Lawsuits -- SCO Can't Win
Recs: 4
Even without the lawsuits and the weekly "Daryl Show," SCO will never, nor could ever, extract license revenue from every Linux user in the world. It is next to impossible to do, as Linux and the other tools have been disiminated far and wide. How can they know who is using Linux, and what versions? They can't.
Going beyond that, SCO has publically stated that the alleged infringment only affects Linux version 2.4 and newer. So that means all those users who have older Linux versions do not have a problem. In looking at the market place, there are many companies and individuals still using that older code. That limits SCO's claims of alledged infringement, also.
Lastly, having said all of this, SCO remains reluctant to produce the alledged infringing source code. They claim "hundreds of thousands" of lines, and yet only have produced eighty to selected people. In addition, the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) SCO provided to view this "damning evidence" prohibits any discussion of it. This in itself removes any "good faith" on SCO's part in people's minds.
Now, as a first poster, many will wonder who am I?
I'm SCO's worst nightmare .... the IT management who will not be scared into buying a license for something the licensor either doesn't own or won't prove that they do. I'm the very person SCO wants to court, not anger. I'm the one who gets the threatening letters from SCO. I'm the one who receives phone calls explaining how RedHat is a "pirate software" company. I'm the one who buys technology, and I certainly won't buy anything from a two-bit, snake oil salesman like Daryl McBride.
For those who have long positions in SCO ... you might make it back, but it will be many, many years before you see a dime. Those who are shorting, good luck ... this will be a roller coaster.
And to "ledite" ... you should go back and study a subject more conducive to your nature. Perhaps something in the food service or agricultural industries. You may know stocks, but your utter ignorance of the technology industry and history make you one of P.T. Barnum's subjects.
The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for
copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "manyhats23"
under the following license:
License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0
Posted By: manyhats23
Posted On: 2003-08-04 21:08:00
Subject: Forget the Lawsuits -- SCO Can't Win
Recs: 4
Even without the lawsuits and the weekly "Daryl Show," SCO will never, nor could ever, extract license revenue from every Linux user in the world. It is next to impossible to do, as Linux and the other tools have been disiminated far and wide. How can they know who is using Linux, and what versions? They can't.
Going beyond that, SCO has publically stated that the alleged infringment only affects Linux version 2.4 and newer. So that means all those users who have older Linux versions do not have a problem. In looking at the market place, there are many companies and individuals still using that older code. That limits SCO's claims of alledged infringement, also.
Lastly, having said all of this, SCO remains reluctant to produce the alledged infringing source code. They claim "hundreds of thousands" of lines, and yet only have produced eighty to selected people. In addition, the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) SCO provided to view this "damning evidence" prohibits any discussion of it. This in itself removes any "good faith" on SCO's part in people's minds.
Now, as a first poster, many will wonder who am I?
I'm SCO's worst nightmare .... the IT management who will not be scared into buying a license for something the licensor either doesn't own or won't prove that they do. I'm the very person SCO wants to court, not anger. I'm the one who gets the threatening letters from SCO. I'm the one who receives phone calls explaining how RedHat is a "pirate software" company. I'm the one who buys technology, and I certainly won't buy anything from a two-bit, snake oil salesman like Daryl McBride.
For those who have long positions in SCO ... you might make it back, but it will be many, many years before you see a dime. Those who are shorting, good luck ... this will be a roller coaster.
And to "ledite" ... you should go back and study a subject more conducive to your nature. Perhaps something in the food service or agricultural industries. You may know stocks, but your utter ignorance of the technology industry and history make you one of P.T. Barnum's subjects.
The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for
copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "manyhats23"
under the following license:
License: CCL Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike v2.0