
Showing posts from June, 2003

What is the latest SCO SEC report?

Message ID: 16621 Posted By: thaddeusbeier Posted On: 2003-06-23 14:57:00 Subject: What is the latest SCO SEC report? Recs: 3 SCO has filed multiple reports with the SEC recently describing purchases and sales of various options and stocks by officers, nothing too surprising or outlandish. A list of the recent reports is helpfully indexed on SCO's own web site at The most recent report filed Friday was filed on paper, rather than electronically, so it is not accessible from the web. I have never seen that in other companies SEC filings. Is there any way of finding out what was contained in that filing? 6478&SID=03-00 I called SCO investor relations, and they have yet to call back. I'm not too surprised. I'll let you all know if I do hear anything back. thad ------------------------------------------------------------ T...

McBride only owns 15003 shares now?

Message ID: 16101 Posted By: heimdal31 Posted On: 2003-06-19 18:25:00 Subject: Re: McBride only owns 15003 shares now? Recs: 1 Correct. I read them as buys as well. However, in the one for Friday the 13th, notice box 15. This shows how much stock the person owns after completing the transaction. He purchased 7003 shares and owns 15003. If he purchased 200,000 in March, what happened to them. If I'm reading this right, he must have sold them and filed some Form 4s. However, they must not have made it through whatever process it takes to get them electronically posted on EDGAR yet. Note that the 6/13 filing from McBride for the 7003 shares only showed up this morning. Also, look at a 5 day intraday trade chart for SCOX and notice the huge volume trades occurring on Friday and Monday. Some individual trades on Friday appear to have approached 100K. Total volume for Friday was 2 Million! Lots of people unloaded lots of SCOX stock on Friday and Monday. And t...

The truth is out there

Message ID: 14745 Posted By: korbomite Posted On: 2003-06-16 19:17:00 Subject: The TRUTH is out there... Recs: 1 ...and will hit you in the head! We won't mention the European, Asian, South American and Canadian (and US!*GASP!*) governments, municipalities and corporations favoring, opening up to and even outright MANDATING Linux and Open Source Software, or the recent articles in Fortune, Forbes, Computerworld...and on and on and on...all this SINCE the SCOX suit. No, we won't mention ANY of that...we'll just look at the important record of the day: SCOX close: $10.93 DOWN 2.52% IBM close: $84.50 UP 2.11% More interesting was that SCOX estimates next quarter's EPS to be -$0.41, with analysts pretty much unanimous that they'll be lucky to hit that. Conversely, even at IBM's current high price (for this market), they project an EPS of $3.13, with the analysts averaging out to be $4.32. Also, by the 10K's and 10Q's, SCOX is c...

SCO's case - We are too stupid

Message ID: 12923 Posted By: freecode_99 Posted On: 2003-06-13 11:16:00 Subject: SCO's case - We are too stupid Recs: 2 SCO's case now hionges on the fact "they did not know what they were doing when they shipped the code under the GPL" - this gets funnier every day. Let's see if I can follow the argument then: 1) We did not know what we were doing 2) We shipped our code under the GPL 3) It must be IBM's fault 4) It must be the millions of people who would rather not run our crappy products fault 5) We have no real business model other than lawsuits 6) Better sue IBM because we did not know what we were doing Makes sense if you drink the water in Utah I guess. CYA in the dumpster when its all over fellas. You can act now and buy an option for the restaraunt row dumpsters. We can even give you a grate to live on. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been lice...


Message ID: 11998 Posted By: notmrnice Posted On: 2003-06-09 16:18:00 Subject: SCOX = SKUNX Recs: 4 Nobody cares about IBM, but this lawsuit is the act of a desperate company managed by incompetents. The officers are using the last crumbs of cash on litigation, which most certainly will be their last action before bankrupcy. The most likely outcome is that SCO will not only lose, but will have to pay damages and legal fees for the defendant. By that time the company coffers are empty, and the contested ATT Unix assets will yet again be on sale. If nobody objects, I'll take over the assets for $49.99, and put a torch to it, so that the rest of the IT industry can get on with their lives. And what happens to the officers? They'll be joining Martha Stewart's new country club. Only difference is that they'll actually deserve what they get. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has be...

Are we missing the point of the lawsuit?

Message ID: 11270 Posted By: walterbyrd Posted On: 2003-06-05 15:36:00 Subject: r we missing the point of the lawsuit? Recs: 0 Maybe the whole point is not to win, but just to creat FUD. Think about some of Darl's comments: "using linux is building your systems on quicksand." and the unspoken message: "and our lawsuit is proof of that." Notice the bozo analysts parroting the SCOX/MSFT line of BS? A lot of those guys do little more than rubber stanp MSFT press releases. SCOX wants to get bought by IBM, and/or scare away linux users in hopes that those users will turn to SCO. This code thing is red herring. It looks like the actual lawsuit has nothing to do with code. SCOX will probably pull the suit at the last minute anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------ The text of this Yahoo Message Board post has been licensed for copying and distribution by the Yahoo Message Board user "walterbyrd" under ...

SCO's only real product

Message ID: 10728 Posted By: korbomite Posted On: 2003-06-04 01:06:00 Subject: SCO's ONLY Real Product ... Recs: 0 COMING SOON!!!! AS REPORTED IN SLASHDOT!: The SCO Group is proud to announce the latest product in its family of software products. "LawsuitCluster Fuck(tm)" uses advanced SCO technologies to send out threatening letters to random businesses harvested from the internet. "It's a great day for the internet, open source and business!" proclaimed SCO spokesperson Charles F. Uckwad, III. "If you wanted to send out menacing extortion letters before, one would have to look up the address of the recipient in a phone book. Now, with "LawsuitCluster Fuck(tm)" you just need to write up the threat as a standard form letter. Using standard variable names such as $COMPANY, $SHAKEDOWN_AMOUNT and $LIE_NUM the LawsuitCluster Fuck software will use SCO's advanced heuristics to fill in ...